

quatm.drivers.blackfly package


quatm.drivers.blackfly.bfly module


  • quatm.drivers.blackfly.bfly.Blackfly(serial)

    class quatm.drivers.blackfly.bfly.Blackfly(object): def __init__(self, serial): pass def getProps(self): pass def get_image(self): pass def setProps(self, props): pass def start(self, callback=None): pass def stop(self): pass
    • getProps(): Get all current properties (entries that can be configured) from the camera.

      • Returns: dict - Properties of the camera.
    • get_image(): Read image from camera.

      • Returns: Blackfly image. None in case of error.
    • setProps(props): Configure camera.

      • Args: props (dict) - Dictionary containing the properties. Keys correspond to functions called, the entries correspond to arguments.
      • Returns: props (dict) - The properties that have been set. May differ from the input in case of properties incompatible with the camera.
    • start(callback=None): Start capturing images.

    • stop(): Stop capturing images.

  • quatm.drivers.blackfly.bfly.Camserver(name, serial)

    class quatm.drivers.blackfly.bfly.Camserver(object): def __init__(self, name, serial): pass def generateImageIndex(self): pass def run(self): pass def sendimage(self, im): pass def updateBusInfo(self): pass
    • generateImageIndex(): In the current measurement, count the images. If the next run has started (either task, repetition or run changes), reset the counter (imgindex).

    • run(): Run loop running forever. Sends images from the camera to the imagestream and initiates reconfiguration of the camera in case properties have changed.

    • sendimage(im): Send Blackfly camera image via the imagestream. The image is converted to numpy array, additional information like binning, timestamp, etc., is added to a dictionary and both are sent to the imagestream.

      • Args: im - Blackfly image object.
      • Returns: None
    • updateBusInfo(): Detect cameras on the bus and update info in properties if new camera has been found.

  • quatm.drivers.blackfly.bfly.pc2

    class quatm.drivers.blackfly.bfly.pc2(object): pass
    • Dummy class in case driver is not installed.



    def pass
    • Initialize a Camserver and run it.